TN English II
Media Standards
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Language | Communication | Writing | Research | Logic | Informational Text | Media | Literature
Language Arts Curriculum Standards
3002 - English II Internet Resources
- Audio Broadcasts and Podcasts: Oral Storytelling and Dramatization - Each listener creates mental images to accompany the words and sounds that are broadcast, allowing these broadcasts to create a one-to-one connection that no other medium can match.
- Cinema - interactive web site explaining how Hollywood makes movies
- Evaluating Visuals - tips on ways to evaluate visuals
- Framing and Point of View - This lesson focuses on how those different types of camera shots affect meaning
- The Function of Images in Text - The lesson will focus on three major ways - as example, as evidence, and as expression - that images can be used in a text.
- Information Literacy Exercise - example of a web page that should allow students to use both their critical thinking and critical viewing skills.
- Media Awareness - introduces grades 5-8 to the concept of images presented through the media, primarily advertising through print and on television. The unit is divided into three approximately 45-minute lessons.
- Reading a Photograph - activity to help students examine information about photos
- Scanning for Visual Details - This lesson will focus on locating visual details and examining them within the overall context of an image
- Strategies of Thinking Visually: Being First, Doing Second - five strategies of thinking visually
- TV news stories - how to analyze TV news stories and how a story is selected and written [This expired page is from the Internet Archive known as the Wayback Machine.]
Battling for Freedom - "By examining two speeches by Chief Tecumseh of the Shawnee alongside Henry's speech, students develop a new respect for the Native Americans' politically effective and poetic use of language."
- Conflict - very good short article on the differences between internal and external conflict
- Conflict - this WIkipedia atricle describes seven types of conflict in literature
- Conflict and Tension - brief description of various types of conflict
Conflict in Literature - (designed for 9th grade) [31 slides] this show includes two short interactive quizzes which follow explanations of internal and external conflict
- Conflict is the essence of Drama - article with the different types of conflict
- Developing Conflict - article about the different kinds of conflict in a fictional story
"The Diary of Anne Frank" - Students will learn how diversity creates bias which leads to conflict, where students confront their bias and practice tolerance
- The Great Kapok Tree: Teaching About Conflict in Literature - lesson plan from Education World for grades 6-8
- Literature - Conflict - Decide which kind of conflict each item describes quiz with ten multiple-choice questions [you can take the quiz without entering an email address]
- Literature Terms: Conflict - this page points out the difference between internal and external conflict
- The Three Master Recipes of Fiction - three different types of conflict in fiction
Analyze the effects of visual and sound techniques and design elements (e.g., special effects, camera angles, lighting and music in television and film; layout, pictures, and typeface in newspaper, magazines, and print advertisements; layout, navigation, links, and interactive features on Web sites).
- All about Special Effects - interviews with directors and the making of King Kong effects
- Critical Media Literacy: Commercial Advertising - Studying the influence of mass media on our lives
- Get Media Smart - encourages users to think critically about media and become smart consumers. Activities on the site are designed to provide users with some of the skills and knowledge needed to question, analyze, interpret and evaluate media messages
- The Internet's Impact on Political Participation - lesson plan - Discuss what aspects of the Internet and its culture affect individual participation in the political process at the local, state, and national level
- Special effects with a camera - video clips
- TV Smarts for Kids - How media producers use music, lighting, and special effects to achieve specific audience reactions
- Understanding Persuasion - article with key points on how to sway and influence people
- View Smart to Vote Smart - understand how political candidates use the media to deliver their messages-and how television shapes those messages as it delivers them
- Copyright in an Electronic Environment - Fair Use Guidelines for Multimedia
- Creating a Multimedia Presentation - Follow the steps to make your multimedia presentation
- Creating a Power Presentation - handout; many ideas with scaffolding along the way to help students complete a project.
Helpful Hints for Presenters - [16 slides] many good suggestions can be found in this PowerPoint show by Silvi Marina
- Multimedia Presentation Checklist - adaptable for middle school students; a customized checklist that you can print out
- Producing a Video - handout; many ideas with scaffolding along the way to help students complete a project.
- Ten Tips for PowerPoint Slide Shows - create and deliver visual aids that complement and reinforce your message.
- Twelve Tips for Creating a Better PowerPoint Slide Show - produced by the Communications & Information Technology department at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln
- Audience Analysis - audience analysis can help you gain valuable insight about your readers
Helpful Hints for Presenters - [16 slides] many good suggestions can be found in this PowerPoint show by Silvi Marina
- In Search of an Audience - consider what attitudes and assumptions potential audience members will bring with them
- Writing Guide: Audience - Recognize that different readers can best understand different messages
- Audience Analysis - audience analysis can help you gain valuable insight about your readers
Helpful Hints for Presenters - [16 slides] many good suggestions can be found in this PowerPoint show by Silvi Marina
- In Search of an Audience - consider what attitudes and assumptions potential audience members will bring with them
- What, then, are some of the things to look for? - scroll down to middle of article for list of nonverbal clues
- Writing Guide: Audience - Recognize that different readers can best understand different messages
- Drawing Inferences - how to be a critical reader
- How are They Selling It? - students read three advertisements and evaluate the type of persuasive writing being employed
- Inference Notes - Use this diagram to help interpret inferences.
- Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions - descriptions of the various ways to aid you in reaching a conclusion
Rules of Inference - Lesson discussing the rules of inference.
Battling for Freedom - "By examining two speeches by Chief Tecumseh of the Shawnee alongside Henry's speech, students develop a new respect for the Native Americans' politically effective and poetic use of language."
- Conflict - very good short article on the differences between internal and external conflict
- Conflict - this WIkipedia atricle describes seven types of conflict in literature
- Conflict and Tension - brief description of various types of conflict
Conflict in Literature - (designed for 9th grade) [31 slides] this show includes two short interactive quizzes which follow explanations of internal and external conflict
- Conflict is the essence of Drama - article with the different types of conflict
- Developing Conflict - article about the different kinds of conflict in a fictional story
"The Diary of Anne Frank" - Students will learn how diversity creates bias which leads to conflict, where students confront their bias and practice tolerance
- The Great Kapok Tree: Teaching About Conflict in Literature - lesson plan from Education World for grades 6-8
- Literature - Conflict - Decide which kind of conflict each item describes quiz with ten multiple-choice questions [you can take the quiz without entering an email address]
- Literature Terms: Conflict - this page points out the difference between internal and external conflict
- The Three Master Recipes of Fiction - three different types of conflict in fiction
- Images: Focus on the details! - Learn how to unlock the meaning of images providing students with a broader understanding of events, objects and people [This expired page is from the Internet Archive known as the Wayback Machine.]
- Photo Analysis Guide - how to analyze photo elements
- All about Special Effects - interviews with directors and the making of King Kong effects
- Critical Media Literacy: Commercial Advertising - Studying the influence of mass media on our lives
- Get Media Smart - encourages users to think critically about media and become smart consumers. Activities on the site are designed to provide users with some of the skills and knowledge needed to question, analyze, interpret and evaluate media messages
- The Internet's Impact on Political Participation - lesson plan - Discuss what aspects of the Internet and its culture affect individual participation in the political process at the local, state, and national level
- Special effects with a camera - video clips
- TV Smarts for Kids - How media producers use music, lighting, and special effects to achieve specific audience reactions
- Understanding Persuasion - article with key points on how to sway and influence people
- View Smart to Vote Smart - understand how political candidates use the media to deliver their messages-and how television shapes those messages as it delivers them
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